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When our senses become muffled, we no longer feel fully alive… If you have a comfortable connection with your inner sensations…
you will feel in charge of your body, your feelings, and yourself.  V
an der Kolk, 2014   


Trauma is an emotional response to a overwhelming event like an accident, physical attack, or a natural disaster. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. Longer term reactions could include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, relationship difficulties, and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea.


Developmental trauma

Developmental trauma also called developmental injury is the result of seeming invisible childhood experiences of being mistreated, abused or not having our emotional need met on many occasions. These cumulative experiences could involve verbal abuse, neglect or manipulation by a parent but they can also include misattunement, parental inconsistency or not having our emotional needs met often enough. As young children we are vulnerable and repeated experiences can lead to psychological and neurological disruption and also result in physical and emotional symptoms eg anxiety, feeling fearful of the world, racing heart, dissociation, insomnia, numbing and dissociation to name just a few.

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy includes the body and nervous system as both a source of information and as a tool for healing. It harnesses the natural innate wisdom held within the body to tap into the intrinsic drive towards healing. This process can increase integration between body and mind.

“In sensorimotor treatment, traumatized clients are taught to become aware of trauma-related tendencies of orientation and to redirect their attention away from the past and toward the present moment. Repeatedly "shifting the client's attention to the various things going on outside of the flow of conversation [evokes] experiences which are informative and emotionally meaningful" (Kurtz, 2004, p. 40). Redirecting orientation and attention from conversation to present-moment experience-that is, from external awareness to internal awareness, and from the past to the present, engages exploration and curiosity, and clients can discover things about themselves that they did not know previously (Kurtz, 2004).”  Pat Ogden, Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy

When paying attention in a mindful way we can capitalise on the neuroplasticity of the brain by helping to notice something that has previously been out of our field of awareness; thus giving an opprotunity a new experience, growth and healing In sensorimotor psychotherapy there are three levels of treatment: stabiliisation and developing resources; processing the effects of trauma and integration of attachment, developmental and relational wounds.

Internal Family Systems (IFS)

Internal Family Systems (IFS) believes in the natural multiplicity of the mind, that we have multiple parts eg a part that wants to do something because we know it’s good for us and a part that does the opposite. We all have a core self that has inherent wisdom. Our parts are evolved from difficult experiences, eg trauma and attachment injuries and they carry burdens. Each part has a good intention for us and there are no ‘bad’ parts. The goal of therapy is to understand our parts role and heal their burdens, thereby helping to increase self-energy, achieve balance, harmony and wholeness in our system.

Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR)

Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) is a comprehensive psychotherapy that uses side to side eye movements in combination with talking therapy within a specific and structured format. It helps to process negative images, beliefs, emotions and body sensations associated with traumatic memories that are stuck. It results in helping to see things from a different perspective and relieves both physical and emotional symptoms.


Counselling & Psychotherapy


North Cambridge, CB4


Mob: 07946 549 321
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